Jan 22, 2008

snow storm...

yesterday we had a huge snowstorm. it snowed about a foot at my house. getting to work was a nightmare. my usual 35 minute commute took me an hour and a half! there were over 300 accidents reported yesterday. luckily, i avoided on 5 separate times. i was 40 minutes late for work! i hope i never have to drive in that sort of snow again!!! here are some pictures of my neighborhood. the pictures were taken today, which is an absolutely beautiful clear blue sky day, but cold...12 degrees!!!

3 peeps have to say:

Jan Scholl said...

we had a ton this morning in Michigan. It was just that steady dusty stuff at first but now its up to a foot in places. hubby took 2 1/2 hours to get to work. am am so over winter-where is the heat?

Lesa said...

Oh My! Ugh. I prefer summer and warm weather too. It does look pretty but BRRrrrrrrrr. Stay safe.

Kelly said...

It seems to have been a week of snow in a lot of places. Hope you are all snug and warm. We got about 5cm one day and then 10cm or so the next, but that is all. The kids enjoyed the sledding this weekend. I am soooooooo looking forward to summer!!!
Thanks for sharing... brrrrrr.

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