Jan 3, 2016


so i always have a hard time picking my one little word for the year.  last year, i was going through a rough patch and my #olw came to me in a flash.  i had no idea when i picked brave as my word for 2015 exactly how brave i was going to have to be during the year.  more than i have ever had to in my life.  maybe the words pick us.  for a reason?  this year, i'm facing the beginning of the year with an uphill battle.  so my word came to me pretty easily again this year...  i just hope i can live up to it.

2 peeps have to say:

Suzi said...

praying for all the strength you'll need for the year. HUGS!!

Robin said...

Perfect word choice! I've chosen mine, but haven't written about it yet. It's always fun to see how it plays out in our lives, isn't it?

Praying for you and your family still. <3